> renamed | ^ merged in | => merged to form airline | +> or + assets taken | < divided |
► SATGA (Societe Aerienne de Transports Guyane-Antillles) >Air Guyane (i) +>Air Guyane Express >Air Guyane (ii)
♦ SATGA (Societe Aerienne de Transports Guyane-Antillles) was formed by Air France at Cayenne in 1948 to serve as a feeder. Routes were opened from the Aeroport Rochambeau at the colonial capital to Regina, St. Georges, Saul, St. Laurent du Moroni, Paramaribo, Albina, and Maripasoula. Although the French flag line initially operated flights, during the late 1950s and 1960s the subsidiary was allowed to originate some frequencies of its own. During the 1970s, SATGA was renamed GAT and began to operate under the marketing title Air Guyane (i) ♦
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